Natur im Focus

Nature Photography

Welcome to my website


                                                "Nature in Focus"




I was born in 1944 in Los Angeles, CA, USA and have lived in Germany since I963. After studying music with a major in flute, I had a career from 1971 to 2008 as co-principal flautist with the Lübeck Philharmonic Orchestra.  

My interest in photography began in 1996 with underwater photography. Although in the beginning I was far from getting decent results, the excitement over what I came home with motivated me to pursue higher skills.

Since my childhood nature, and in particular the ocean, has had a great fascination for me. Through many trips to different areas of the world, my interest extended to landscape and wildlife photography.

With the exception of music and my family, there are few things that give me more pleasure than spending time in the outdoors taking in the many varied impressions and sensations of nature. If I can capture some of these special moments with the camera, many of which are only instances, it gives me great satisfaction.

Although the trend today is moving more from documentation to abstraction, my goal, at least for the time being, is to photograph nature as I perceive it at the moment of exposure.

At a time when environmental conservation is more important than ever, I strive to show others, through AV - Presentations with my wife, nature’s beauty and diversity and contribute to an awareness of the need for environmental protection.

As of March 2017 I have "Full Membership" in the "Gesellschaft Deutscher Tierfotografen e.V." (GDT)!

In addition to my nature photography, in 2007 I began work on a book project of the Theater Lübeck, in Germany. A year later, for the 100th anniversary of this beautiful Art Nouveau Theater, a photo album with me as co-author (Photography) was published.


Enjoy browsing through my photographs.


                                                                                           Sidney Smith